The BTS VertiClimber is a fixed wire rope vertical climbing lifeline system
that provides 100% Fall Protection from the Ground Up. Using an easily operated detachable sliding type 1 fall arrester, the user can slide up and down the entire system which consists of stainless steel swage-less components.
The type 1 fall arrester is designed to grab and lock against the 8mm wire rope the instant a fall begins and reduce the distance of fall to less than 300mm. Once the karabiner is installed, the type 1 fall arrester cannot be unintentionally removed from the cable. The type 1 fall arrester has a built-in mechanism preventing it from operating in the upside down position
BTS Vertical Safety Climb Cable System is designed to provide fall protection while climbing or descending a variety of ladders or vertical structures. Applications include telecommunication towers, light poles, water towers, hydro electro towers, stacks or any other climbable structure that requires permanently placed climbing protection.
- Hands-free movement up and down a ladder.
- Easy to install components –no swagging required on site.
- Integral Polyurethane Shock Absorber with Overload Indicator reduces the load transferred onto the attaching ladder or structure in the event of a fall.
- All VertiClimber ladder hardware components are manufactured in AISI Stainless Steel Grade 316.
- Can be attached to side or centre of a ladder.
- Detachable Shuttle that allows for removal from system preventing unauthorised access.
- Also available with a 2.5m extension for safe ladder access and egress.
- System designed to secure a maximum of 1 person.
Part No. | Description |
BLSA001 | SI316 Top Shock Absorber with overload indicator |
BTSUB002S | S/S AISI316 Top Ladder Bracket - Extendible @ 2.5m |
BTSUB001S | S/S AISI316 Shark Fin Bracket to suit top & bottom - Termination required at the bottom end |
SS-8014-128 | S/S Swage-less Tensioner |
BSC080C | 8mm Stainless Steel Wire Rope |
BTS1008 | Vertical Travelling Rope Grab |
BLI001SS | Intermediate Cable Bracket |